The Watersaver Urinal Tank Auto-Flusher will substantially reduce urinal tank water consumption through smart monitoring of the activity around urinal stalls.


A proprietary software program, combined with state of the art motion sensors, has been designed to determine whether the urinal is in use and must be flushed. Instead of flushing constantly, the Watersaver Urinal Tank Auto-Flusher waits for users in order to flush. This means a tremendous amount of water is saved, especially in washrooms that are low use.


Sensitivity of the sensors can be programmed to ensure that a flush cycle can not be activated in error by traffic walking past the sensor, this provides a very effective urinal flushing method.

Our Auto-Sensor has an automatic sanitary flush programmed to reduce odor issues for long periods of minimal use.


The Watersaver Urinal Tank Auto-Flusher has been used as a major water savings product in multiple large scale projects.





EEI has installed or provided Watersaver Urinal Tank Auto-Flushers to Universities and School boards, Municipal Buildings and Commercial applications across Canada for over 12 years.


EEI installed over 300 urinal controllers at the University of British Columbia in what was the largest institutional and commercial water retrofit in the history of Canada. The end result was an overall water reduction of more than 40% for urinal tanks.


Contact us to see how you can start conserving water and reducing your water costs starting today.



UTC unit

sensor on tank

sensor on wall

sensor on ceiling

sensor concealed

unit & sensor at tank